
As part of our long standing relationship with MNDA and their local Life Grants Programme over the past year alone we have been able to provide 29 grants and support 17 families. Help ranges from providing iPads and communication aids, complementary health including acupuncture and access to dietary advice, specialist transport and counselling & bereavement support.

Helen Mackie, Regional Fundraising Co-ordinator at MNDA said “A huge thank you to everyone at the Malcolm Gunter Foundation for so generously continuing to support the grants programme at the Bristol and Bath MND Group.

These are just practical examples of how the money you have gifted has been spent, but they don’t go anywhere near in showing you the difference you have all made to improve so many family’s quality of life and ensuring that they never have to face MND alone.

Your ongoing support is extraordinary. The Malcolm Gunter Foundation partnership is truly cherished by everyone in the Bristol and Bath MND Group. Thank you.”